
PCI = Palmetto Commerce Interchange

SCDOT = South Carolina Department of Transportation

FHWA = Federal Highway Administration

NEPA = National Environmental Policy Act

EA = Environmental Assessment

FONSI = Finding of No Significant Impact


How did Charleston County decide on a preferred alternative design?

Charleston County went through the National Environmental Policy Act process to determine which alternative best met the purpose and need of the project. Please visit the design process page for more information.

Will the project include the construction of a sound barrier, such as a noise wall?

Charleston County conducted a noise study within the project limits to determine the anticipated noise impacts of the proposed interchange. The results of this study concluded that 63 homes would experience an increase in noise. Staff evaluated the possibility of implementing noise abatement measures, like a noise wall, at these locations based on the SCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy. This evaluation concluded that noise abatement measures at these locations do not meet SCDOT’s criteria of being feasible and reasonable to construct.

You can find SCDOT’s Traffic Noise Abatement Policy here.  

The Northwood Estates subdivision also underwent an additional noise analysis, separate from the PCI project, to evaluate future noise levels and impacts to residents located along the I-26 corridor.  The results of this study can be found under the ‘Noise Study’ tab.

How will construction of this project affect the Deerhaven Mobile Home Park?

The construction of PCI will require the relocation of five residences. A right of way agent contracted through Charleston County will directly contact those who need to relocate. Any resident relocated by the PCI project is subject to the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition policies of 1970, as amended (42 U.S. C. 4601 et seq.). This means fair and equal treatment of anyone who must move because of the PCI project, as well as fair compensation for his or her property and assistance when moving.

Will the project include bike and pedestrian improvements?

The project does include the construction of a bike and pedestrian path to improve mobility and accessibility options for the surrounding communities. The multi-use path will connect from Ingleside Boulevard to Salamander Road. A concrete barrier wall will separate the path from vehicular traffic.