March 2025 Construction Project Update
The fifth Public Project update meeting took place on March 19, 2025. At this meeting, Staff will provided an overview of the project, an update on the progress made since November 2024, and what is scheduled to be completed in the next 3 months. The public had the opportunity to ask questions or discuss concerns they have with the project directly with the project team. These meetings will be held quarterly until construction is completed.
November 2024 Construction Project Update
The fourth Public Project update meeting took take place on November 19, 2024. At this meeting, Staff will provided an overview of the project, an update on the progress made since July 2024, and what is scheduled to be completed in the next 3 months. The public had the opportunity to ask questions or discuss concerns they have with the project directly with the project team. These meetings will be held quarterly until construction is completed.
July 2024 Construction Project Update
The third Public Project update meeting took place on July 24, 2024. At this meeting, Staff provided an overview of the project, an update on the progress made since March 2024, and what is scheduled to be completed in the next 3 months. The public had the opportunity to ask questions or discuss concerns they have with the project directly with the project team. These meetings will be held quarterly until construction is completed.
March 2024 Construction Project Update
The second Public Project update meeting took place on March 27, 2024. At this meeting, Staff provided an overview of the project, an update on the progress made since December 2023, and what is scheduled to be completed in the next 3 months. The public had the opportunity to ask questions or discuss concerns they have with the project directly with the project team. These meetings will be held quarterly until construction is completed.
December 2023 Construction Project Update
A Public Project update meeting took place on December 5, 2023. At this meeting, Staff provided an overview of the project, an update on the progress made since our Notice to Proceed (August 1, 2023), and what is scheduled to be completed in the next 3 months. The public had the opportunity to ask questions or discuss concerns they have with the project directly with the project team. These meetings will be held quarterly until construction is completed.
June 2019 Public Hearing
A Public Hearing took place on June 27, 2019. At this hearing, Charleston County revealed their preferred alternative for this project, the urban diamond interchange design. The public had an opportunity to provide official comment at this meeting, and the comment period that followed ended July 15, 2019.
February 2019 Neighborhood Meeting
November 2017 Neighborhood Meeting
October 2017 Public Information Meeting Presentation
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Charleston County considered eight possible alternatives for the design of the Palmetto Commerce Interchange. The design team completed traffic analysis and considered public feedback to narrow the eights possible alternatives down to three reasonable alternatives. The County presented the three reasonable alternatives to the public on October 17, 2017. After this meeting, the public had an opportunity to provide comments on the interchange designs until November 3, 2017. The project team considered these comments as the completed studies on how each alternative would impact wetlands, streams, existing communities, protected species, noise, traffic, and cost. These studies and public comments helped the County determine a preferred alternative.